Written on Oct 15, 2015
I love Charles's mother, Lady Chariton. She is a saint of a woman who has been putting up with her husband's infidelities all of their marriage. She loves her son and is very loving and kind to her new daughter in law. I warmed instantly to her and how kind she was to Alice. Alice never knew her own mother who died in childbirth when she was born, so Lady Chariton touched Alice's heart from the beginning.
The Romance: wow it's a struggle all of the way! It is a rough start once Alice realizes why Charles asked her to marry him. Their banter is mean and sometimes funny, but it also made me feel so sad and uncomfortable for both of them. Their marriage starts out with no love, but soon both Alice and Charles can't stop the attraction they feel for each other. This is where I really started liking the romance/story, but it doesn't come until about 3/4 of the way into the story...so be patient!
There are many surprises that are revealed around this same time in the book, which I will not tell you about, but you may be able to figure it out sooner. I had my suspicions about them earlier. The good thing is, the family surprises bring Charles and Alice together as a couple. It helps Charles realize much about his father, mother and himself. I can assure you that there will be tears here as you read. This was my favorite part of the book when so many tender feelings are shown for many "things". I wish I could say more but don't want to spoil it for you. The ending is very satisfying and also has my favorite line in the book, "Within the essence of connection she realized there was purpose in the waiting." You will understand about that line, and hopefully you will agree that reading Lord Fenton's Folly is worth every minute it takes to read this clean, and proper romance.