Written on Apr 29, 2017
My general issue is that I cannot accept this as a YA book. Yes, there were characters in this book who fit the age for upper YA, and maybe they did get the most page time, but there were all these other characters, who had entire chapters dedicated to them, and were unrelated to anything going on between Rachel and Fiona. In fact, some of the chapters were dedicated to peripheral adults, and they shared some very adult problems from very adult perspectives. I am in my 40s, so I appreciated reading these chapters. I found them to be a provocative look into these people's lives, and the issues they were dealing with. However, I felt like it took the focus off of Fiona and Rachel, and I was expecting their story.
I am ok with character studies and no plot, but this was a sad slice of life. I do tend towards books that are a little lighter or at least are laced with hope, but this on was imbued in woe. And then the ending was so abrupt. I was hoping to get a little bump there, but it just sort of ended.