Written on Sep 6, 2014
What I Loved:
-Leilani. She. Is. Awesome. If you can't relate to her or like her as a character, then I can't help you, because she is amazing.
-Family-centric plot. We do not see enough of this in YA. The story follows Leilani and her father, but the rest of their family is never far from either of their minds. In fact, it is really the whole point of the story. They don't just want to get home, they want to get back to their family. It is quite beautiful and refreshing, and I adored it.
-Hawaii. Okay, is there a better setting for any book really? Of course not, it's Hawaii, people. But it works so perfectly with the plot, since Hawaii is cut off from the mainland and therefore sorely lacking communication, supplies, and other resources. It makes the story believable and terrifying. The world-building itself is superb. I could actually picture the scenes, and the addition of a lot of Hawaiian culture was particularly appealing.
-The plot (mostly). I love apocalypse scenarios, and this one is scary for sure. People are thrown into chaos, fighting over land, resources, and pretty much everything else you could imagine. No one and nowhere is safe on the islands. Add to it Leilani's epilepsy, and you have a particularly nightmarish situation. It also really brings the question that we rarely see in books: What would happen to people with medical needs that we take for granted? Frightening, really. The book is one epic adventure, and Leilani and her dad meet some very, very interesting people along the way. Some good, some bad, and some in between, but during the apocalypse, trust is certain to be scarce.
-No insta-love! No love triangles! And this book does not need them. It doesn't rely on romance at all. It just is at its core a book that makes you think about your beliefs, your morals, your survivability.
That One Thing I Didn't Love:
That One Plot Point. Obviously, I am not going to tell you what it is! But I will tell you that the plot point itself, while not believable, I could have rolled with since this is fiction. No, it is the characters' reactions to said plot point that got me. They just wouldn't react the way they did. No one would, I don't think. And that is where the book lost me a bit, I still loved it, but this did take just a bit away from my enjoyment.
Back to stuff I loved:
-The ending! It wasn't one of those complete cliffhangers that leaves you waiting years to find out what happens. But it does make you so, so excited to continue the story. This is the mark of an amazing ending in my opinion.
-There's a sequel! When I first added this book to my TBR, and even when I first got the book, I had no idea there'd be a second! Well, color me happily surprised.
Bottom line: The good far, far outweighed the bad in this book. I enjoyed it immensely, and became so engrossed in this world and these characters. It was an action-packed ride that I absolutely cannot wait to continue. I will certainly be reading The Girl at the Center of the World as soon as I can!