I figured out from the second book that this wouldn't be from Marcello's point of view, despite the cover. I was thoroughly done with Paratore being the bad guy two books ago. But I liked the addition of the new characters. And I liked the evolution in the character's relationships. Normally, I find it annoying when the main couple is separated because they're the fun of the story. But Gabi actually carried the story well, and Greco helped a good deal with that. He's intriguing and so I think more than anything else I was waiting to see what he'd do to serve his allegiance to Marcello without alienating his kinsmen. In the end…well it didn't quite go as I expected. I mean, I didn't expect him to fall for Gabi. And I expected him to be a tad more honorable. And to recognize the bad guys as despicable and leave them of his own accord, rather than being forced out. It ended well, though. And had that been the end of the series, it would of worked. But I found myself so deep in the world that I was glad there were more stories to follow.