Amber (The Literary Phoenix)
Written on Jul 30, 2009
Legacy outdid both Witch and Curse, as far as I'm concerned. The characters are becoming more complex, and I am enjoying watching both Amanda and Nicole's characters grow, while Holly falters and falls. It's a wonderful twist in a hero... having her fade to black instead of white. I am also enjoying observing Jeraud, a character whose intentions are always cloaked in mystery.
A few disappointments, as there are in any book. Holder and Viguie are constantly throwing Jer between life and death, as though they can't decide where he should be. It's frustrating for the reader, whoh can never be quite sure if the character is alive or dead. Another problem: while I respect the authors' ability to kill off the good characters, for a change of pace, I'd love to see a couple of villains die.
Of course, there is Spellbound for that, and the duology is sitting on my bedside table, just itching to be read.