Beth C.
Written on Jun 16, 2014
While the back of the book describes it as "riotously funny", I would disagree. I smiled a couple of times, and maybe smirked a couple more. Very little actual laughter (if any) actually escaped my lips while reading this collection. While some of the writings were creative, others seemed like they were thrown out to fill pages and others seemed almost borderline hateful.
I almost never give 1-star reviews, simply because I tend to be pretty mild-mannered in my likes/dislikes. But for a "riotously funny collection" to elicit no laughter in the entire book, that alone calls for a lower-than-normal review. Having said that, I am well aware that humor is subjective, so what I found to be somewhat dull might be exactly your cup of tea. I'd head to the library and read a few pages before purchasing though. Just to make sure you're not wasting your money.