Written on Oct 14, 2013
But it was fun to go back to Southland and the Found One reminded me a lot of a Noun (I realize that's gibberish if you haven't read the books but I wanted to say it anyway). I liked the allusions to the other books like the dream palace. But mostly I liked how the magic was so much the same, even though the application was completely different.
While the characters were decent, there was a distance to them that made them likable but not lovable. But the world was is so interesting and unique that I really enjoyed it. I liked that it was subtle and complex because that meant that I kept rolling the whole thing around in my head after it was finished. Which was fun.
And it was compelling because there were answers she held until the very end, which kept me reading like crazy but didn't leave much time to revel in the information or enjoy the turn it created in the story. So, I would have like more of that.