Suz @ Bookish Revelations
Written on Jul 20, 2012
Beautiful Lies builds layer upon layer of misplaced trust, unexpected intrigue and mystery, as well as danger filled pages sure to keep reader's captivated and guessing. The devastating sorrow and the fact that this chillingly suspenseful story isn't spun from shiny rainbows and gold dust, makes it all the more terrifying and real. There is heart shattering sorrow born out of overwhelming sacrifice sure to knock the breath out of anyone. The gripping tension filled pages of this amazing novel are well written and can be, on occassion, a little bit confusing to readers. This same confusion seems to run along the thread of a theme developed throughout, Beautiful Lies.
From start to finish it is interesting getting to know both of the twins, experiencing the confusion along with Alice, as she embarks on a journey of self-discovery. Her pain and sorrow is real and manifests itself in the most peculiar way, as she experiences what her twin (Rachel) experiences, and her frantic search and disillusion at trusting just anyone when they could be a suspect. These characters are real and they come to life on the pages, most are enjoyable and likable, while few other's fan be complex and not as likable. If reader's have enjoyed Jessica Warman's prior young adult novels, such as Breathe and Between, they will surely enjoy this one as well. I would recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys true young adult mysteries, as this will stump and mystify them while delivering one interesting unexpected twist at the end.