Written on Apr 18, 2016
I loved Every Other Day though it wasn't perfect. Nobody is much the same but better.
The unique sci-fi magic world building, the character progression, tension, twists, and the ending...Jennifer Lynn Barnes has become a must check out author and I have her other books on my to-read list now.
The only part (again) that I wasn't bowled over is the instalove. As with Every Other Day, it's at least tied into the magic, which helps accept it.
However, they also seem more compatible than Every Other Day's couple. Okay, maybe I just like them better, I dunno.
Yeah, there's a lot of staring at each other and gooey time-stopping touching sessions but...eh. YA is full of it and it's better than other crap instances I've read. It helps that I liked these characters. Plus, everything else is worth it.
I love how Claire and Nix grew as people, both as individuals and as a couple. As much as magic mumbo-jumbo and lust and desperation they have going on, they still work at understanding and treating each other right. Even if they had other Nobodies to compete I still think they'd fit right and be together.
It is full of tropes and Claire's competence in her new abilities is rather convenient but it's so good. All the elements are written well and used superbly. That's the key.
Love how different the world-building is. While most will put it down as paranormal, the sci-fi energy bit and dystopian cannot be denied. It's not about an immersive setting. It's about an alternative universe/conspiracy hiding these secrets and focuses on the action and the drama. It could be happening to anyone anywhere.
The ending...is powerful. It's not happily ever after. It's not fully completed but it's satisfying, scary, and leaves open questions that are fun thoughts to entertain. It definitely stuck with me.