Written on Aug 31, 2009
The standard paperback size is a bit akward for cooking with but that's the only flaw I could really see.
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Fed up of eating bland and boring food because of a wheat intolerance? Then this is the perfect book for you. The extensive collection of recipes featured here provide hundreds of exciting and, most importantly, easy ideas for creating tasty gluten-free alternatives. Bette Hagman, the world's leading creator of delicious gluten-free food, has spent more than twenty years developing recipes using special flours for pizza, pasta, breads, pies, cakes and biscuits. With these recipes she has brought tasty food back into the lives of more than one million people who are affected by wheat intolerance, and, in this book, she lets us into the secret of how each and every one of us can achieve this. This charming collection of 200 of her favourite recipes is suitable for anyone who has an intolerance to the gluten in wheat, oats, barley or rye, or is allergic to wheat. In addition to these brilliant recipes, "Easy Gluten-Free Cooking" provides a simple and comprehensive guide to everything you need to know about living healthily without eating wheat - from locating and ordering gluten-free foods and flours, to eating well when you are away from home. Meal times will never be the same again!