Charlie Parker a tenacious, private investigator begins to investigate the death of a homeless man and his daughter’s disappearance. His investigation leads him to the strange little town of Prosperous, Maine where the folks all descended from an English town whose church they brought to America, brick by brick and rebuilt. Folks do not move away here, and their consensus data is oddly skewed. Parker sticks his nose into Prosperous a little too far and soon has the Elders of the community concerned. The tale that unfolds was well developed and gripping.
The Wolf in Winter was narrated by Jeff Harding and he did such a wonderful job giving voice to the characters from the homeless friends of the deceased to the old biddy who rules Prosperous. I felt a little left out with respect to the overall plot arc of the series. It deals with the Collector a seriously sick serial killer and the beginning of the novel had me thinking I would never find my footing. Nevertheless, I did and despite those issues, I enjoyed this thriller. For fans of the series, I am sure The Wolf in Winter will be a welcome installment, as it appears progress was made regarding the Collector.
Wolf in Winter was a solid thriller and a captivating listen. I plan to listen to Every Dead Thing the first novel in the series too see if I want to play catch up. It will be interesting to meet Charlie Parker from the beginning.
Audio copy provided by publisher.This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer