Cocktails and Books
Written on Oct 14, 2016
The blurb to this book intrigued me. A girl in desperate need of money and a rich man with secrets that end up changing the girl's entire world. I was all in. But as the story of Ophelia moved forward, I discovered this story was about so much more than Ronan, the rich man with secrets.
Ophelia is a teacher who's in desperate need of money to save her parents' restaurant. Without a job, she finds herself across the country taking a job for Ronan Fletcher to care for his two small children on an island off the coast of Maine. On her first night, her life changes forever and what happens after is how Ophelia helped the Fletcher find a family after theirs was broken and how she found where she was meant to be.
There were many twists and turns in this story and it keeps you intrigued to the end. But Ronan's secret is one that I certainly wasn't expecting. For a man who wanted to hire Ophelia as a way of giving some order back into his children's lives, he sure knew how to turn everything upside down. But when I got to the end of the book, it was Ronan who I had my questions for. Why he thought what he did was the best avenue for his kids, for his brother and for himself. I knew what he was trying to do, but I couldn't get past what he did, regardless of how it turned out in the end. And it was Ronan who made this a three and a half start review.