Emma (SCR)
Written on Aug 24, 2015
Thank you to Candace and Sonya for letting me be part of this tour. I've previously read Sonya's book The Summer I Fell and ADORED it. I have End Note and If Ever I Fall on my TBR pile and reading this has just made me want to bump them right to the top.
This book follows Maggie and Phillip on the epic journey of love. Maggie is a red headed girl who lives life to the fullest. She spends her days doing whatever makes her happy and never turns down an opportunity. Phillip on the other hand spends his days following whatever schedule his mum has planned for him. His life is about pleasing others before himself. That is until he meets Maggie.
Maggie shows Phillip the life he could be leading. Shows him everything he's been missing out on and once he starts he doesn't want to stop.
This book is extremely well written and will have you laughing, crying and sitting on the edge of your seat frantically turning the pages to see what happens next. Each chapter is written from either Maggie or Phillip's perspective. I enjoyed this because it allowed you to get into both of their heads. I especially loved the chapters of their letters.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and hope to see a lot more from these two talented writers.