Written on Oct 18, 2014
I'm not sure how I feel about this.
I adored Poppy, even though she had that tendre for Sergei (who was obviously all wrong. Of course, Nicholas's kisses go a long way of convincing her to look at him... just like Harry's kisses convinced Molly. Huh. (Probably not in my favor that I read the books back to back.)
Anyway. For being an impossible bachelor, Nicholas wasn't very much of a bachelor. o.O But! I liked him and Poppy together, even though he seemed a little... lost at times. (Is that a good way of explaining it? Probably not. But he was forever placing duty above everything else.)
The shenanigans those two get into together was amusing, however. Poppy's friends were awesome. And there were plenty of fun twisty twists (totally a thing) at the end that I didn't see coming. Except... except, just like When Harry Met Molly, the big climax happens in the ballroom.
Hmmm. I still don't know how I feel about the similarities between books. But as for this book, it was good. Ridiculous and fun. Perfect for a Saturday afternoon when you need something light and fluffy to escape into.