Written on Jul 21, 2019
The novel is especially unique as it is based on a true story of Ilima Todd's Fourth Great-Grandparents John Harbottle and Papapaunauapu (or Maile for short). They formed one of the oldest hapa-haole (half-white, half-Hawaiian) families in the islands. You can tell the author put her whole heart and soul into the writing of this story based on her ancestors.
The story is told from the perspective of both Maile and journal entries from John. What a wonderful way to show the growth of their relationship from enemies to lovers! I truly loved both characters as they journeyed through the struggles of differences in cultures and their own obligations to their people and themselves.
This is such a lovely story that not only has a charming romance but also incredible details about the culture of the Hawaiian people. I loved this book and recommend it to teens and adults.
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