Written on Dec 27, 2019
Aly was a cute and sporty young woman, who wanted to be noticed and wanted to be, well, wanted. She hoped that she would finally have a "real" date for the annual homecoming dance. No more friend-dates. No more pity-dates. Her goal was to attract a guy via her Operation Sex Appeal make-over, but when she threw in some fake dating, things got complicated.
Having been the short, cute girl, I could really relate to Aly. Always being "the friend", never being the one the boys were climbing over each other to date. It makes you feel less than, and I really felt that come through, when I was in Aly's head. I can't say I thought her plan was an amazing one, though, I think teen me tried the same exact thing. I appreciated her struggle and felt it was an important learning experience for her. Maybe the tight, revealing clothing didn't yield the results she was seeking, but they did embolden her a bit, and that, along with Brandon as her fake-hookup, kicked the confidence that she always had into high gear. I liked the focus on the inside versus the outside, and that Brandon also shared this view was a bonus.
Speaking of Brandon. His fear of losing people kept him from enjoying a full-on romantic relationship. He was, however, an wonderful friend to Aly. They had great chemistry and a wonderful rapport, and it was easy to see they shared a special bond, but, yeah, I definitely wanted to see that move to the next level, because they were tailor made for one another.
The book also had many of the elements I love to see: a great female friendship, male characters sharing their feelings, and a solid family with great sibling bonds. All these things was wrapped up in a super cute romance, which was light, fluffy, swoony, and sweet.