Written on Mar 29, 2018
- I love historical romances and Ostrom's The Beloved Wild has a Jane Austen vibe that I adore.
- Harriet is a strong character, she sees the unfairness of the way men treat women and...
Quite the Novel Idea https://quitethenovelidea.com https://quitethenovelidea.com/blog-tour-and-review-the-beloved-wild-by-melissa-ostrom/
I really enjoyed The Beloved Wild. I love that Harriet was a strong character and that took matters into her own hands. I can't wait to read more!This review was originally posted on Quite the Novel Idea
- I love historical romances and Ostrom's The Beloved Wild has a Jane Austen vibe that I adore.
- Harriet is a strong character, she sees the unfairness of the way men treat women and she's vocal about it. Too bad that back then (1800s?) society was not ready for it. I did love that through her adventure with her brother, she was able to find herself and find friendship and love to boot.
- The writing was sublime. So good, historically accurate, and insightful.
- The plot is slow to start, going about the life a typical farmers in New Hampshire, but then turns into an adventure.
- Characterization! Phineas is a hoot, Rachel is a good friend, Marian is a strong female character too. LOVE!
- Daniel is a sweetheart and good to the chore! I'm so glad for his perseverance :)
- Not enough romance! There wasn't a lot of Harriet - Daniel time.
- Harriet was sometimes irrational and was a bit prejudiced, snobbish and jealous.
- The ending was not very definite, which makes me think there must be another book and this is a series.
I really enjoyed The Beloved Wild. I love that Harriet was a strong character and that took matters into her own hands. I can't wait to read more!This review was originally posted on Quite the Novel Idea