Written on Jan 10, 2015
Written by: Michael Green, Mike Johnson
Illustrated by: Mahmud Asrar
Well, I’ve read another one of DC’s New 52 comics, and once again, I really enjoyed it. Maybe it’s because I’m still incredibly new to DC's universe and have no basis of comparison, but I just thought this was an interesting origin story.
I really didn’t know much about Kara Zor-El (Supergirl), and I have no idea if this origin story is different than her original one, but it works. It works so well.
Kara literally crashes onto Earth with no memories of why she left Krypton, or where she is. She is discovered by an organization (with the help of local military), and she’s just this terrified teenage girl. It felt real and her emotional processes seemed very genuine, and I just couldn’t help but feel sorry for this alien so new to Earth with us earthlings just trying to beat her into submission.
But, she’s Kryptonian, and lets face it, we know what our yellow sun does to the Krypton people, and Kara is no different. She couldn't be taken down, and really, Kara doesn't seem like the submitting type.
When Superman makes his way into the fold, Kara is, understandably suspicious, and I don’t think there would have been (realistically) a way to get through to her at that point in the story. Kara really had to experience all that she did, for this world to make some type of sense to her.
Kara’s journey in Last Daughter of Krypton is long, but I didn’t feel like any part was unnecessary or should have been removed. Her encounters with the Worldkillers and the basic back story given there, has made me genuinely curious about those people/aliens/creatures as well.
Also, the art was stunning in this comic. I absolutely loved panel after panel, and I thought that the coloring throughout the comic was just spectacular.
Another win this year for a comic book, and I’m still really loving these New 52 comics. I am definitely looking forward to picking up more in general from my library, but I’m really hoping that they have more Supergirl, because I really want to know where Kara’s story goes from here.