Baroness Book Trove
Written on Sep 27, 2019
Can Mara find her memories?
Mara is a Legend, a new species that we created, and is on the run from a group of people that she genuinely thought where on her side. Each new place that she has run to is a different identity that she has created for it. Now her search has to lead her to Portland where Mara is living in the middle of humans. Kate is Mara's new persona in Portland and the one that she likes the most. There are so many things happening throughout this book, and Mara/Kate continues to change and grow. This character is fascinating, and she is the main point of view.
Kylan is also a Legend and Mara/Kate's love interest. Well, Kate's love interest technically. He is a great guy that is trying hard not to be evil like his father has always wanted for him. He, like Kate at first, is a level Four and doesn't like using one of his abilities (that is a significant plot point so I won't tell you about it). Everything about this character is fantastic, and he makes Mara/Kate a better person. Kylan is awesome.
Five Stars
Legend Undone by Angie Day is a fantastic book that just kept on surprising me throughout the unfolding of the story. I loved all the twists that Ms. Day has incorporated into the book, and I can't wait to read the next book to find out what happens between Mara/Kate and the organization that she left. I am recommending this book to all fantasy readers out there.
Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Legend Undone by Angie Day.
Until the next time,
Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove