In the the mysterious world of the Congo River, we meet Chrisnelt, a young Congolese boy who grows into manhood shaped by the vast leaves held in the branches of tropical forests, all the while battling a ravaged world of globalized greed and death. Chrisnelt is a gardener of unusual genius: he learns from birds, insects, and foreign weeds. Chrisnelt is guided by the ancient journey of water in his part of Africa: the constant flow to the ocean, and the rise back into the sky of mists. This powerful story at the edge of damnation bends a reflection of all of us through the eyes of a birdwatcher who sees wings fly like escaping leaves on streams of eternal water and air for all.
- ISBN13 9781431425655
- Publish Date 18 August 2018
- Publish Status Active
- Publish Country ZA
- Imprint Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd
- Format Hardcover
- Pages 280
- Language English