What a fun and humorous journey I took with Ros. She made a bunch of bad choices and frustrated me, but in the end, she learned so much. I found that I very much related to the theme of this book, though. When things aren't going right in one's life, it's easy to take that backward look, and many times, we see the past through rose-colored glasses.
Such was the case with Ros. Her intention was to pick up right where she left off. She was determined to get the gang back together and to reunite with her ex, but time didn't stop while she was gone. Many of her friends were in very different places in their lives and were not looking to re-live their younger years. When they talked about their past, they remembered the good and the bad, unlike Ros. She continued to look back and because of this, she often failed to see some great opportunities that were right in front of her. Needless to say, she drove me batty at times, but I was happy with each realization she eventually arrived at.
The stars of this book, for me, were Ros' friends. What a wonderful group of people! They were all fun, and interesting, and I could totally understand why Ros loved them all so dearly. Being with them was never boring, and I appreciated the care and affection they gave to each other. They didn't push Ros too hard either, even when they knew she was wrong, but they also didn't stay silent on matters. They were simply fantastic friends.
This book was also rather hilarious. I loved all the zany hijinks and found myself laughing often. Some of the situations were so silly, and Kelk did a great job pulling me into it all. I chuckled, shook my head, and maybe even slapped my knee a few times. But I wasn't just filled with laughter, I was also filled with lots of warmth and happiness as I watched Ros take control of her life and steer it in the right direction.
Overall: This was a charming story about letting go of the past, living in the present, and looking forward to the future. It was about falling down, but picking yourself back up. It was also about the value of friendship, family, and love. It left me filled with delight and with a smile on my face.
*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.