Written on Jan 18, 2018
Trigger Warning: Racism, Suicide, Ableism.
This is every other typical YA contemporary where instead of a boy with a manic pixie dream girl, the MC is a girl (Hannah) that's best friends with a manic pixie dream girl that has bipolar disorder (Zoe).
Everyone just prattles on how special Hannah is. She THINKS she saw a white buffalo while they were on the road trip and a Indian woman proclaims that must make her really is special and smokes a peace pipe with her while on the job? After the other white girl fucked with her art?
What about the girls with bipolar reading this? Zoe is just a tool, a lesson for Hannah. There's no help or hope.
In the end, they got away with so much shit and barely faced any consequences. We never find out about how their moms are, but we know Hannah kept enabling her father. Yay!
At least it's sex positive I guess...