Written on Aug 8, 2017
Actual Rating 3.5 but rounded up to 4!
Thoughts After Reading
Way too short! Why did it have to end like that?!
- LOVED Tashi. They were super cute yet kind of badass at the same time? It made for an interesting character. There was also a ton of development centred around this character.
- Also a big yay for a non-binary main character, especially in a fantasy book!
- I like the general idea of this book. The whole bond with animals was epic and I kind of liked that the plot took place in the middle of a war.
- Ok but can we talk about the fact that people in this world can be bonded to animals?? Like how cool would that be? I especially loved that the humans lifespans were cut if they were bonded though. Magic isn't all butterflies and rainbows so I liked this consequence!
- The only thing I disliked was that the book wasn't longer. I could have used more of everything. A little more plot, world-building, character development, and general explanations. It was fine without all that but that's what would have pushed it up an extra star for me.
- Also as much as I loved Tashi, I hated their decision at the end and I wanted to reach into the pages and give them a good shake! Sadly that would have changed the plot for the next book. Again, not a bad thing, it just bothered me a teeny bit.
Pick this one up! It's short and sweet but full of all kinds of great fantasy elements!