Cocktails and Books
Written on Apr 2, 2014
Melanie and Colton have been best of friends since she moved to Maverick when she was four years old. But as Colton comes back home to take over the family business, feelings between the two of them change. It's like they both realize they aren't little kids or hormonal teenagers, but adults who've suddenly realized exactly what they want.
I liked Melanie and Colton together. She didn't take his crap, pushing Colton's need for plans and he pushed Melanie when she needed, but was also willing to give her the one thing she craved. But what I absolutely loved is how dirty Colton was and how turned on Melanie was with it. The two of them were special, because they were able to take their practically life long friendship and transition over to a romance that you know will stick forever.
I can't wait to read more from this series. I'm hoping Hawk and Dawn's story is next, because it seems like there is a really good story there.