Written on Aug 5, 2014
Tempting Her Reluctant Viscount is the most mysterious, but also the least romantic, of the series so far. I still enjoyed it, but just not as much as the previous two books. This time the focus is on Hope and Michael, who both have been crushing on the other, but neither have made a move. That is, until they both happen to start investigating the same strange happening, but from different angles. Hope has a head for numbers and is fascinated by the stock exchange. She notices some abnormal fluctuations, disguises herself as a man, heads to the stock exchange, and then follows a suspicious looking man out. Meanwhile, Michael overheard a man claiming to be a captain that he knew, so he follows him. Of course, he runs into Hope along the way and they join forces.
The mystery portion of Tempting Her Reluctant Viscount didn't fully hold my attention. I was hoping that Hope's excitement would get me excited, but I just ended up bored with all of her stock talk. Then there's discussions of war and Napoleon, and it all felt very disconnected and vague, so I wasn't into it. It did feel like a true mystery though, and I really liked the twists that cropped up. The outcome of their investigation has a very real and severe affect on Hope's future. This did add a bit of a darker tone to the story, but of course, she gets her happy ending regardless.
The romance was cute, but I felt it very much took a back seat to the mystery. Hope and Michael do work together a lot, but much of the time she's disguised as a man, so being caught together would probably be worse than if she was being herself. Also there's really no reason for them to not be together in the beginning. Michael gives some excuse about not wanting a wife while in the military, but he's out now, so what's the problem? Meanwhile, Hope doesn't think he thinks of her in that way, until they share a couple of kisses. But for the most part, nothing happens with them until the very end, where it all gets rushed and mushed together. I would have liked more build up like the previous couples had.
In the end, Tempting Her Reluctant Viscount was an enjoyable read. It was a bit boring and dragged in places, but if you're really into historical events those parts may appeal to you more.
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