Written on Sep 22, 2015
I was kind of iffy on Salome in the first book. She probably drove me crazy for at least the first half. It wasn’t until Gareth that I really started to like her. This book she seems more mature and braver. She has a confidence about her that is good to see. Although at times there are things she does that I’m kind of like eh but I like how she holds her own. Her eyes are open and she is not so overly trusting. I also love the new friendship she forms with a particular character (I don’t want to give that away).
So we have two friends who have two very different experiences with the Faerie. If you think about it even though Salome has people after her, she also has people falling all over her to protect her. Where Kadie comes in and is forced into the horrors of the Winter court. She has a couple allies but it’s not a gaggle of people and Kadie doesn’t have a connection to Faerie to protect her. I felt so frustrated for Kadie because really Salome is the reason that she is there in the first place and then when she makes an impossible choice everyone just ditches her like well she’s piece of crap. Hello what about all those years she was there for Salome, it made me so angry. Which is funny because normally I would probably be on Salome’s side.
I love Gareth (he reminds me of my manga bf Tamahome) and the addition of Etienne. Oh Etienne, I have high hopes for you. Still can not stand Nevin. Ugh Nevin (I’m shaking my fist in the air).
I love books that evoke emotions from me. There were so many time I wanted to punch Nevin in face, rescue Kadie or tell Salome she was a terrible friend for not at least sending Kadie a letter telling her she left. The Summer Marked absorbed me.
Having the story told from both Salome and Kadie’s POV really gave the book the umph it needed to, in my opinion, outshine the first book. This book does not suffer from sophomore slump and I need to find out what happens with Kadie and Salome but mostly Kadie. There is so much potential for a great outcome.