Written on Nov 30, 2013
Demi and her best friend Cherie encounter some trouble on their way to Paris and Cherie gets taken. Demi's only hope to find her is to trust Vale, and to go on with her plan to work at a cabaret "under cover" so she can find out where the missing girls are being taken. So while she is doing her thing, she becomes almost an instant star. Which makes Vale not too happy - all of a sudden she is getting lots of attention and he doesn't know how to deal with that.
I wasn't sure how much I was going to like this, since it didn't focus on Criminey. Because, HELLO - CRIMINEY. But I was pleasantly surprised. Demi is cocky and confident, and sometimes a bitch. AND I LOVED HER FOR IT. And Vale ... *swoon*. I am not sure how I can do him justice. So I won't even try.
I loved following along with Vale and Demi's will they, won't they, back and forth. I mean I knew they would eventually, so all the back and forth did was make when they finally got together that much more satisfying.
And the Paris of Sang ... it is so dirty and scary and elegant and beautiful - it was like I was there. Dawson has a talent. She transports you to the world in her mind, and I will miss Sang very much. But fortunately I can go back to visit any time I want. Thank you, Ms. Dawson, for providing such a wonderful experience.