Written on Jun 24, 2015
The bookstore is just that it a chick lit story it all about the things that most women movies are made of women mets guy, gets knocked up, and oh no how does she survive with her college plans and being on her own. Their a bit more to it then that and that why i kept reading. She ends up in this great used bookstore called The Owl and connects with this quirky set of characters and they do not mesh well with the father of her soon to be child but yeah know he a douche anyway.
I love how it set in New York and i can see New York through esme, ( i never had the pleasure of going there), i can see all the characters that she interacts with at The owl and i totally felt her struggles and wanted to be one of the people she interacted with.
A great story, i recommend if you want to shake up your reading norm a bit and hope you give it a shot.