My Initial Reaction…
I absolutely loved Halfway to the Grave, but based on how it ended I was really worried how I’d feel about One Foot in the Grave. I was not disappointed.
The Characters…
One thing I had really loved about Halfway to the Grave was Cat’s development as a character and- thank goodness! – that really continues in One Foot in the Grave. Book 1 left off with Cat being roped into working for a government agency; this book picks up four years later and Cat has gone from kick-ass chick who doesn’t exactly know what she’s doing, to an independent woman, leading an entire special force for the government, knowing exactly what she’s doing and yes, she still kicks ass! Everything Bones taught her has made her not just a skilled fighter, but has been put to good use making a successful and loyal team.
Can I just say that I ADORE her team? When I started this book I was pretty angry about everything Cat had done (What was she thinking? Bones could handle himself and her mother was not worth the trouble IMHO) and when I realized that it had been FOUR YEARS since she left Bones I was book-hurling angry. How could she just give up like that? And why the HELL hadn’t Bones found her and knocked some sense into her? So yes, I was predisposed to not like these guys. They were what stood between her and Bones. But then I got to know them. Tate, Juan and Cooper are the guys Cat has chosen and trained to be her elite team and they’re so fiercely loyal to her that they’re kind of impossible to not love. Frost did a really good job making them complex, complete with their own baggage and reasons for being part of the team. However, I do have to say, the one element I find really irritating in One Foot in the Grave is caught up with these guys. Why is it that every single man Cat knows has to basically have a hard on for her? I get it. She’s tough. She’s beautiful. She’s unattainable. But come on, does loyalty have to equal obsession? It get on my nerves a little, but not enough to not love the book.
I just have to add that if you love Bones in Halfway to the Grave, you’re going to ADORE him in One Foot in the Grave. We hadn’t seen even a fraction of this vamps’ abilities yet and seeing him in action was really jaw dropping at times. Of course, Cat and Bones even NEAR each other signals some really great fantastic superb, okay you get the point, sex. What makes this sex so particularly great is the buildup. Miss Frost makes you work for it! The wait is excruciating – I mean it’s been 4 YEARS and you expect me to wait?!? – but it provides some of the best sexual tension I’ve read. This isn’t an erotica, but those faint of heart should beware of chapter 32. The rest of us will just look forward to it and blush just a little. Obviously, it’s not for the young crowd.
The Story…
So, yes, the romance gets a wee-bit hot and heavy. But this is still Urban Fantasy at it’s finest, not a paranormal romance. And what makes it that way is the great plot and fantastic action. There really isn’t a dull moment in One Foot in the Grave. Cat’s the target of an assassin and she’s not going down without a fight. Added to that, Cat’s continuing to work on the mystery of her father. Both aspects meld together into a couple great mysteries and one great plot. Seeing her in command of her forces, prepping them for her plan (because she comes up with a pretty great plan) and setting her operation in motion was pretty fantastic in itself.
The other element is Cat’s love life – as already clearly alluded to above. Cat has really matured and grown over the four years, but it’s not terribly surprising to see that she’s also alone. She has a friend, but romance is pretty much non-existent. Leaving Bones behind broke a piece of her and he hasn’t disappeared from her mind or heart. Cat’s internal struggle is a nice balance for the action, especially as she begins trying to enter the romantic world. Of course, it wouldn’t be a Night Huntress book if we didn’t get some times with Cat and Bones, so it’s really no surprise that before too long, Bones is reintroduced. It’s not simple though – Cat faked his death to protect him and as much as they still long for each other, there’s some hurdles to get over if they’re actually going to be together.
Concluding Sentiments…
I can’t believe I’ve let this series sit for so long after reading Halfway to the Grave. I’m an Urban Fantasy junkie, and this is IT. Oh and the last 15%? Be prepared to just cancel any plans after that point, you won’t want to put it down. I sure couldn’t! Definitely recommend to the few out there who haven’t started this series.
*This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.*
Second read review
Whoa! I forgot so much in the years so I read this last! I basically remembered that it was one of my favorites, View Spoiler », and that it was sizzling (something I didn’t adequately or accurately remember either). I buddy read this with Brandee and she was equally surprised by how much she had forgotten. What follows is a very brief review focusing on what I was stunned to remember, because (1) I actually reviewed it very thoroughly my first time reading it and (2) I just finished this morning and have a very short window to get my review in.
What I liked/didn’t like (about what I had forgotten):
I had forgotten how much I cannot stand Justine, Cat’s mom. I’m sorry, if you’re raped and can’t handle the consequences of a child, I will much more hold it against you for raising that child and heaping blame and hatred upon them than for choosing either an abortion or adoption. What she’s done – and continues to do to Cat – is reprehensible.
Tate, Juan, third one who’s name I apparently still can’t remember – Cat’s loyal team. Oooh how I love them and how I love Tate’s stubborn infatuation with Cat. It’s fantastic.
Don and all the twists that came with him. I forget if I land on liking or hating him… at this point I’m cautiously ok.
OMG the way the plot propels forward. Things I remembered happening but thought were like 3 or 4 books from now! This is action packed and fast paced!
I also remembered very clearly fanning myself because of the SIZZLE in this book. While I was not disappointed, I remember it getting even better. Which means another book is still going to go there!
All in all this is one of my favorite books in the series and so far, it gets to keep that title!