Written on Jan 12, 2013
Betsy's journey to conquer this foe, once and for all, is very inspiring. There are many key things that readers can gain from Betsy's story.
Here is an excerpt from her book...
"After many years of being fat and miserable, with a few years of being average and less miserable mixed in, I finally had a light bulb moment. The reason I was unhappy was not just the extra 75 pounds around my middle. It was the weight of all the things unfinished that hung around my neck.
I was always having grand ideas. I’d get excited about this diet, or that workout routine. Or starting a new hobby or project. Even trying to write a book. Problem was, within a few weeks the excitement would fade and that little voice would kick in. You know the one I’m talking about. “You’re no good at this. You’ll never keep the weight off. Why are you even bothering.” That little voice had kept me from finishing… anything. And every time I quit, my wall of failures would get a little higher — making success that much harder to see.
My adventure started when I decided I was finished being fat, but it snowballed into year of changing my life and accomplishing seemingly impossible dreams. Join me while I discover that “Not everyone can win the race, but everyone can finish.”
And everything is worth finishing."
I think this idea struck me so hard. Why couldn't I finish fully losing the weight or getting healthy? Reading Betsy's story has given me the motivation and courage to press on despite what has happened in the past. Also, the small voice inside of all of us sometimes can be very unhelpful. That negative voice needs to be changed. It was so wonderful to see how Betsy gained confidence in herself and her potential to do and finish anything she wanted. Taking small steps at a time proved she could finish the race, and she did literally!
I highly recommend this book for those who want to finally take off the weight, and keep it off by changing their thinking. I want to be healthy and with Betsy's winning attitude on my mind, I KNOW I can do it!