Written on Apr 24, 2019
I've read a few books by this author that I have enjoyed and when I read the synopsis for this one it sounded like a book that would be right up my alley. And I ended up really enjoying it. It was a surprisingly sweet book considering the hero was an anti-hero that enjoyed killing people. (lol)
I thought the writing was great. The pace was a little slow going in parts and it is a fairly long book (@ 4 hour's reading time). The plot was engaging though, and I never felt bored or the need to skim. As I mentioned above, this was actually a sweet story romance wise. It was very insta-love. No pushing away. No OW drama. The OM drama was caused by one of the villains. It was a slow burn in the sex department as well. No sexual activity until 50%, and no intercourse until late in the book. -- I was a bit disappointed in that aspect. I was expecting a little more heat and kink. There was a great cast of secondary characters. I have NO idea if some of them already have books of their own (someone please tell me in Luna has a book already??!!), or if they will have books at some point, but a lot of them really intrigued me.
Both the main characters here likable. Malcolm was a perfect book boyfriend for me. Super sweet and alpha with the heroine, and a badass if you crossed him. All in from the minute he sees the heroine. Not a manwhore (celibate 8 months). I loved him. London was also a great heroine (a virgin...sigh) but at least her virginity made sense in the story's context. She was pretty much all in from the first meeting with Malcolm. Last, it was all wrapped up in two very sweet epilogues. What more can you as for?