Written on Jan 2, 2017
Tam shows up a few minutes after the text and before Kyra could start saying “Why did he do this to me”, she reveals that David and her were together and she was the reason David cancelled the wedding. Which leaves Kyra in a state of disbelief. So, what does she do….she starts drinking and ignoring everyone who comes to her door. Except for Jones.
Jones is a huge footballs star and happens to be David and Kyra’s friend from high school. He was supposed to be David’s best man but, like everyone, was left stunned when David called the wedding off at last-minute and left with Tam. Jones is concerned for Kyra and suggests that she goes to where the reception was going to be held and have a few drinks.
Well, that ended up with Kyra and Jones having sex on the bar and then moving to her hotel room. He left Kyra in the morning with a note and she moves on with her life. She has gotten over David and Tam’s betrayal, well for the most part, and Jones’s not so smooth move the morning after.
Then she realizes that she hasn’t had her period and she is always like clockwork. So she goes, buys a pregnancy test and takes it. Guess what….she’s pregnant and Jones is the father.
So, she contacts Jones with every intention of telling him. Instead, they spend a week screwing each other’s brains out. Then, in a fit of anger after Jones told her that he was seeing someone else, she tells him. Saying that he doesn’t take the news very well is an understatement and she heads home with every intention of being a single mother.
Want to know the rest of this short story….read it
I loved Kyra. To be honest, I really wondered how she didn’t just go insane nutso on her scumbag ex and her ex best friend. I really don’t because if it were me, I would have killed them. Well, I wouldn’t have gone that far but I would have at least beaten Tam down. I do think that her sleeping with Jones was part of the shock of what happened….at first. And her reaction when she found out she was pregnant….I think every single women who have had an unplanned pregnancy can relate and probably have had the same reaction.
Jones came off as a tool until the restaurant scene. I honestly thought that he wasn’t going to step up by his reaction when Kyra told him that she was pregnant. But, thinking about it, how would you react if you were told by a girl that you had just spent the week having awesome sex with that she was pregnant. Because the condom failed (see, life here!!!).
The sex between Jones and Kyra was off the wall hot. And it seems that Kyra was into having sex in public places. A bar where her wedding reception is supposed to be and an airplane…hmmmm. LOL.
The end of the book was great. I do love HEA’s
How many stars will I give Unexpected: Secret Baby of a Star Athlete: 4
Why: I really liked reading this book. My attention was kept by the hot sex, the characters and the plotline. For a short story, it really kept to the plotline and I liked that. It was also a very quick read.
Will I reread: Yes
Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes
Age range: Adult
Why: Explicit sex and language. No violence
**I received a free copy of this book and volunteered to review it**