Written on Jun 4, 2008
First off, of the edition that I have, I love the cover of the girl looking off in the distance holding the quilt, it is just beautiful! The other cover edition I've seen, with the main characters standing there, well it's okay, but not as fabulous as this one with the purple.
This story was so hard to put down. I have a lot to read, so I figured I'd start this one and get through a couple chapters if I could. Well, next thing I knew I was half way through and unwilling to stop. Then I'm at the part where my heart is beating so fast I can hardly contain myself and I have no idea what is going to happen or how things can be fixed, and then my husband gets home... *sigh* So, I had to stop make his dinner, eat mine, and then I'm back on the couch reading as fast as my eyes will let me and my mind is comprehending. Then I realize I'm going too fast and have to re-read a couple of passages, but then I have my good rate back. *sigh*
Such a fabulous story! There is a mix of romance, and intrigue, and pure suspense. This story is unlike anything that I have read, but at the same time there are smidgens of little things that make my mind tangent off to something else I once loved. Such as: Anne of Green Gables the Continuing Story, much of Anne I see in Emily, and of course Dominique in Adam. Then there is a hint of the fast paced "Oh my goodness, he is so evil! What can possibly happen?!?!" that I felt from [a: Tracie Peterson|27788|Tracie Peterson|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1296327966p2/27788.jpg]'s [b: Yukon Quest|360014|Yukon Quest Pack (Yukon Quest #1-3)|Tracie Peterson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1388425722l/360014._SY75_.jpg|350179] series.
If you want romance, it's here. History, got it. Mystery, oh definitely with plenty of cozy suspense. Really, I cannot urge you to read this book enough. DO IT!