Written on Feb 10, 2020
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Seventeen-year-old Edgar Poe counts down the days until he can escape his foster family—the wealthy Allans of Richmond, Virginia. He hungers for his upcoming life as a student at the prestigious new university, almost as much as he longs to marry his beloved Elmira Royster. However, on the brink of his departure, all his plans go awry when a macabre Muse named Lenore appears to him. Muses are frightful creatures that lead Artists down a path of ruin and disgrace, and no respectable person could possibly understand or accept them. But Lenore steps out of the shadows with one request: “Let them see me!”
"Death was not prejudiced by mortal things such as station or gender. It came for kings and queens and prostitutes alike, often leaving the living with regrets."Maniscalo's debut novel is deliciously macabre and a must-read for fans of murder mysteries and historical fiction. While I found the twists to be predictable, this was an enjoyable read and I'm excited to continue the series!
“I dreamed of a day when girls could wear lace and makeup—or no makeup at all and don burlap sacks if they desired—to their chosen profession without it being deemed inappropriate."I love historical fiction, particularly when the main female character rebukes and challenges society's expectations. Audrey Rose not only lives in a very sexist society but also is from the upper class which holds its own set of challenges and expectations. The book opens up with her conducting an autopsy under her Uncle Wadsworth's tutelage and the reader quickly learns that she is taking these lessons in spite of her father's wishes. Her uncle allows her to join in his lesson the following day provided that she dresses like a boy and keeps quiet, which she gleefully does to be able to learn. Her subterfuge plays a theme throughout the book as she almost lives a double life, even having to change her clothing when leaving the house to not arose her family's suspicion. Not all superheroes wear capes, some wear slippers and riding pants.
"Just because I studied cadavers didn’t mean I couldn’t appreciate beautiful garments."As much as I adore Audrey Rose for her fascination with the dead, I love that she loves "feminine" things like frilly dresses; people are more complicated than just black and white rigid stereotypes and she is a well-rounded character that shows that these two things are not mutually exclusive of each other.
"I refused, absolutely refused to let this cruel treatment of a woman stand. I’d do everything in my power to solve this case for Miss Nichols. And for any other voiceless girl or woman society ignored."The juxtaposition of the Ripper's victims and the privilege that Audrey Rose experiences is not lost on me. Despite being raised in "polite society" and being surrounded by men that view her incapable of having apprenticeships (let alone be in the presence of blood without fainting), she never loses sight of her privilege and wanting to find justice for these victims.
"Thomas cleared his throat. 'But I believe if your niece can handle dissecting a human, she can handle intelligent conversation without fainting. Her intellect, though nowhere near as vast as mine, may prove useful.'"Thomas Cresswell is absolutely brilliant and I adore characters with the Sherlockian powers of deduction. He is arrogant but it comes from a confidence and he also is willing to share his knowledge with Audrey Rose to not only help her enhance her skills but also to have her as his crime-solving partner. I will always stan a love interest that builds up the object of their affection rather than keep them down. And as much as he wants to protect her, he doesn't shield or hide her away. Thomas' adoration and support of Audrey Rose honestly just melted my damn heart.
“Perhaps I don’t want any friends,” he said, moving toward the front door. “Perhaps I am content with speaking the way I do and care only what your opinion of me."In case you can't already guess, let me tell you that I am here for this romance! I am a sucker for romances of this period that kind of exist outside the rules of polite society without throwing those rules out the window. There is something scintillating about the stolen glances and jests that really builds a natural chemistry between these characters that I found satisfying.
"The dead speak to those who listen."Fast-paced and gripping, I devoured this book easily over the course of three days (which would have been faster had I not been trying to pace myself for the sake of the group read). I enjoy Maniscalo's writing and narrative style immensely, appreciating how descriptive the language is without getting needlessly lost in the details.