Quirky Cat
Written on Dec 6, 2018
I read Star Wars Vol. 6 as individual issues through the Marvel Unlimited app.
Star Wars Vol. 6 marks the end of Jason Aaron’s run on the series. While the series has had its ups and downs so far, I will miss his writing and perspective on the series. I haven’t yet looked at who’s taken over (I know, behind on the times and all that – also, don’t tell me) but I’m hoping their new perspective will prove interesting as well.
The sixth volume of Star Wars is broken up into two plots, thanks to the team being split up for one reason or another. I’ll admit that I liked one of the plots more than the other, but that was likely bound to happen.
The first plot has Luke and Leia together. They managed to…well they managed to get themselves into a bit of a bind. That probably isn’t terribly surprising. They’re very good at doing that. The whole plot takes place on one planet, and there’s good reason for it. The plot had some good moments, but it also felt a bit forced at times.
The second on is involving Sana and Lando. Yes, you read that right. Were you ever hoping to see these two working together? Well, were you ever hoping to see Lando surprised by smuggling tactics? Great! Then you’ll love this story. Okay, that isn’t actually an accurate description of it, but you get what I’m going for here.
Chewie and Han are involved in the second plot as well, which is probably part of the reason I enjoyed it so much. It was a bit chaotic too, both in the good and bad senses of the word. There’s a lot going on, and not always a lot of explanation for what they’re doing.
The artwork felt weird at times. It was like they were trying exceptionally hard to look like the actors that played the characters in the movies. Like that animation style where they animate over real people? So it looked odd, especially on paper. I don’t think it would have been so bad had the coloring been more consistent instead of slightly…splotchy? That’s probably the best word to describe it.
I’ll be curious to see where they go next in the Star Wars series. For that matter I’m actually pretty curious to see how long they can stretch the series. It’s only set in a certain period of time, and it isn’t even a long one, all things considered. How many side quests can they possibly have? Still, we all know I’m going to read everything they put out for it, even if I am a bit behind on it…
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