Kat @ Novels & Waffles
Written on Feb 15, 2020
✔ Genie is still a BA. She is just as snarky as I remember her.
✔ Out favorite GODDESS (literally) Guanyin gets some major page time!
✔ A focus on sisterhood and fierce female friendships (Guanyin and Yunie play an even more important part in this storyline which is just *chef's kiss*)
✔ The ending was tender and sweet
✖️I'm a sucker for origin stories. I love seeing how a person who suddenly is gifted with supernatural powers tries and fails and then ultimately succeeds in figuring out how to use them. That's one of the things I enjoyed so much about The Epic Crush. In The Iron Will, Genie has really grown into her abilities, and while that makes a lot of sense, it was definitely less interesting and humorous for me to read about.
✖️Perhaps I just wasn't in the right mood for this book when I read it, but the humor seemed to fall flat this time around. Which is hugely disappointing because in The Epic Crush, I found myself laughing out loud at F.C. Yee's witty and snarky writing style.
✖️Genie and Quentin's relationship took a back seat in this book, and while I appreciate that the romance didn't distract or eclipse the storyline, I think that there was less chemistry between the two. They just felt sort of .... awkward together.
✖️The ending, while sweet, was also so vague. They were like, "Yeah, so some stuff happened." YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME HANGING LIKE THAT. I NEED TO HEAR MORE DETAILS ABOUT GROWN-UP GENIE!!
⚠️Trigger + Content Warnings ⚠️: Death, blood, violence, underage drinking
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