Written on Sep 5, 2016
This is one of those unrequited love stories. AJ has long loved Darcy, but she held him and everyone else at arm's length, because she had her own issues of self worth and abandonment to deal with. As with all great heroes, AJ is absolutely swoon worthy. He would say the right things (most of the time) and do the right things (most of the time). Notice I said "most of the time"; Shalvis knew not to make him too perfect. I loved the banter between them, and I loved AJ's tender heart. I also adored the therapy dog part of the story. This idea of saving the "throw-away" dogs, and using them to inject joy into the lives of those who lost something. It was actually quite beautiful.
The only bad thing I have to say, is that there is only one more Animal Magnetism book left for me to read, and I am not sure I am ready to leave Sunshine.