Written on Jan 18, 2011
After Elizabeth Hastings' parents are killed in a tragic accident, Liza is left horribly in debt. To remedy her situation- she turns to the palace doors in hopes of finding a job. Liza is then brought into the scene among royalty and becomes Princess Victoria's maid. She discovers that royalty is not at all what is seems. Sir Conroy is looking to steal the throne with Victoria's mother, the Duchess, Even the maids and the other servants thrive in their own rank. But Princess Victoria just wants to be loved.
I loved this book. I'm always a sucker for historical romances and this one did not disappoint. I was transported back into the 1800s where all men were gentlemen and if they weren't gentlemen- they were considered something of a theif like Inside Boy. Inside Boy was my favorite character. His speech, full of flash patter, was humorous at times and I found myself laughing along with the novel. Liza's character was very strong and wonderfully developed. I always love strong characters and not all authors can create such powerful characters. MacColl nailed her characters- to the point that they were almost as real as you and me. Will's character was fantastic. He was such a doll and too modest about himself. He was considered a businessman, but he was a total gentleman. He was adorable. Not to mention, Liza and Will's reltionship was very cute.
The ending kept me on my toes.
It was so difficult to put the book down when I had to go to work.
I recommend this book to all.