Written on Jan 28, 2018
Emma, mean girl with depth and explanation. I felt so bad for her given her situation and it's clear why she did went the way she did. She's an antagonist for the later half of the book, but the sympathy never went away and it's much better than most mean girl depictions. That said, I do wish it reflected more on how even "the good guy" Kyle boiled her down to her "hotness" and she's pigeonholed.
I really liked Mo. At first I wasn't sure why her and Rachel were friends given how much Rachel ragged on her and they were at odds. But Rachel finally listens and Mo gets to say her piece and it makes sense. Mo is totally the pushy supportive friend looking out for your best, even if it scares the piss out of you.
I will sheepishly admit, I really, really identified with Rachel. I was on the verge of tears in public when the whole pity date thing when down. OUCH! I am really glad the narrative got changed and things worked out for the best. But I still think she should've written that feminist piece on the death threats and hate from women she received and Mo keeping her from White Feminist territory.
I was not aware of the Alex from Target story until reading other reviews of the book.