Written on Mar 28, 2019
My Name is Rose follows Rose throughout her childhood in into her mid 30’s. We get to see her life change drastically as she grows up. From heartbreak about a boy, she likes to learn the truth about her parents it is an emotional roller coaster.
Rose is a curious child from the beginning and she’s not particularly fond of her parent's lifestyle living off the grid. In fact, she hates it for the most part and can’t wait to graduate and be able to go off to college somewhere far away. Little does she knows that her choice to leave takes her on a path that was similar to her mom’s if certain things hadn’t of happened.
Overall I found this book to be enjoyable. I was expecting it to be more about her life as a teenager and early college years, and while those things were covered the book continued on far past that. We truly get to see Rose grow up and change as her life evolves. She goes from being the stubborn childhood to the parent who makes tough decisions and loves her children dearly. One constant throughout her life is this mystery that she feels about who her dad could be. She has always called one person dad, while in fact thinking someone else was actually her dad. This all started when she was young and learned how eye color worked and started to get curious. By Rose not letting go of who her dad could be it causes a divide in the family that isn’t fixed for far too long.
While this book does have a happy ending I did feel slightly mislead with it being considered a YA book as the vast majority is actually spent in Rose’s adult life.