Written on Jan 24, 2020
I’ve tried over the years to read NR’s The Collector. Something about it – the premise, cover, first chapters – never captured my full attention. I picked it up at my local used book store last week ($3.15 FTW), finally making my way through it.
My biggest problem with this book has a name – Ashton Archer. Listen, I’m not unaware that NR tends to write “alpha” leading men. I usually enjoy an alpha male, especially when pitted against a strong willed opinionated woman. Let me see all the sparks fly! However, I found Ash to be an overbearing asshole. He orders Lila around like a parent orders a child around. He never listens to her or allows her to take ownership of their relationship.
Lila is enjoyable despite her insufferable romantic lead. Her lifestyle of house sitting, fiction writing, and handyman tinkering worked well against the ridiculous, over-the-top plot. I would have enjoyed this story so much more if Lila and Julie, her BFF, had taken on the art thief/assassin by themselves. Leave the men at home, ladies, and embrace your inner woman warrior!
tl;dr The interesting main character and over-the-top plot worked well together, but the male romantic lead pulled all the fun out of it.