Written on Sep 10, 2017
This is going to be one of those books I can’t stop reading. Third time through and it gets better and better. I’ve waited my whole life for a book that does this exact thing.
A small, strange fire grew in his eyes. “No one’s got long game anymore. Everyone wants it now.”
First read September 2017:
It’s two books smashed together, that’s announced right on the jacket, and that’s all I knew going in. The first part was good, but just good, the kind of book that would interest me while I read it but that I would mostly forget once I’m done.
But then. THEN. The second half of the book. It’s ridiculous. It’s impossible. It not only goes off the rails, it does that thing where a train goes off the rails but has so much momentum it plows through the earth for a mile. And I love it. It’s the stuff my dreams are made of. I laughed out loud, I swore out loud, I turned the last page and wanted to read it again.
Your own mileage may vary, depending on how much belief you can suspend. But that’s what I love about fiction. Done right, anything’s possible. And I’ll suspend all the belief in the world if I get long cons and heists and love, hate, and trust.