Cocktails and Books
Written on Sep 18, 2011
Andreas Merrick has lived his life with one goal: revenge on the man who made him who he is today. Everyone, with the exception of his brother Roman, is terrified of him. That is, until he meets Phoebe Pace. She knows he holds the debts of his father and wants him to help her find out who's behind the plot to make her father the fall guy. His sneering and barking do not scare Phoebe and he suddenly finds himself doing what he can to protect her.
The story had much intrigue, as the author wove us through the London underworld. But sometimes that intrigue seemed too much and left me confused as to who we were following and why.
If you like your historical romances with a lot of intrigue and just a hint of romance, this is the book for you. Me? I wanted more "total" surrendering and less of the intricate web of lies.