Written on Mar 26, 2020
Nature All Around: Plants is a picture book for kids about plants and the natural botanical world. Due out 7th April 2020 from Kids Can Press, it's 32 pages and will be available in hardcover format.
This is a science based factual book with a solid intro to botany including different classifications and structures (vascular vs. nonvascular, monocot vs. dicot, and more). The book asks and answers lots of questions: why are (most) leaves green, why do birds and insects like plants, what happens to plants in different seasons and climates, and lots of others. The illustrations are attractive and detailed and the text presents the concepts in an accessible and age appropriate manner.
This would make a great classroom library, public library, or homeschool library selection as well as a great gift for a youngster. There are a number of recommended activities included in the book as well as a short glossary and cross referenced index.
Well made and beautifully presented.
Four stars.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.