Freemee, the competitor to Facebook, is a new site you can sign up for, it is a lifestyle app. It can tell you what you want to eat, where to go out to, etc, always being told the places to be. This makes it so much easier to be tracked!! Not scary is it!
In the USA, Zero the underground movement, the resistance, shows how easy it is to get close to the President, and that their threat is real, all by the use of technology. They post numerous videos online to show how the technology is affecting our lives, bringing us to investigative reporter Cynthia. Cynthia is a dinosaur in the technology world, she is not interested but she has been told to make it all look “sexy” and that her writing has to go online. Cynthia wears the glasses home and find it exciting, see people and trying to figure them out but then wondering do they have the glasses too? Do they know who I am? She lets her daughter borrow them the next day and whilst being with friends something horrifying happens due to the actions following the glasses being worn. Here start the cat and mouse chase, who is behind Freemee? Who is behind Zero? Why is Cynthia in so much danger?
As mentioned before the book has freaked me out, everything you do is watched and you really do not have anywhere to hide these days, always being tracked. This book plays on this fear that we have in the modern age, we believe we are in control but we are not. Algorithms behind the scenes can preempt our thoughts, wants and needs which is where Freemee comes in to play. I wouldn’t be surprised if something like this is not already underway! (ignoring the ads that pop up when on other sites!) Whilst the technology, I can’t say it is new, is exciting, how it applied is what scares me the most.
The author throws everything at you, and it kept me hooked throughout. This book is very now, with the recent GDPR saga and how the data is collected, so I am glad I had the opportunity to read it. Like a lot of books I read these days, you can not say anything without giving away the plot, and I am sorry, not sorry, it is the same with this book and it does leave a few questions unanswered.
All I can say is, beware of technology….thank god I read the paperback version of this book!!!!!!