Hmm... I don't know how to go about this review. I was greatly looking forward to this book- Star x "normal human beings" themed stories are somewhat of a weakness for me. It's like I crave a well done Cinderella story. So, yeah, all the raving reviews about this one had me prepared for something great. This book wasn't bad, but it most definitely didn't live up to all the hype about it.
The biggest problem I had with the book was that, up to around 45% of it - I was bored to death. I mean, really, I considered DNF at 39% of the book - it was that boring! Nothing really happened, which was a huge drawback for me. I don't need much to make things interesting - I am not the type that needs a lot of drama in a book, quite the opposite - too much drama is a total turnoff for me, so trust me when I seriously felt nothing happened here.
Luckily, around the 40-45% mark things finally picked up, or I dunno if I could've lasted the entire book - it was a long book, too. Though I do admit... a lot of drama started. I liked some of it. I cried at parts (prepare for sadness) Some seemed a bit... too much, and I just wished they'd move on from those. But for the most part, I really did enjoy the remaining 50%.
Anyway, I loved Ryan. I loved that he wasn't the usual type of "movie star" these books tend to have. He wasn't the self assured, confident type who slept with tons of women. He was shy at first, kind of too overwhelmed by all the attention and crazy fan obsession from his movie. He didn't jump into things, he was charming, sweet, funny. He also showed alpha male tendencies once in the relationship - taking charge, being possessive, jealous, and sometimes it was a little too much, but most of the time it was just endearing.
Then there's Taryn. I'm a bit conflicted about her, because she was just too perfect. She was literally every man's dream; hot, sweet, caring, selfless, can cook, can play pool, a sports fan, likes fishing, can model and decorate, creative and artistic, good in bed, willing to do everything for the people she loves, being okay and agreeing to all the craziness of Ryan's life to be with him... At a certain point I stopped reading, looked around me and thought she was too perfect to be real - and the few (and well justified) trust issues she had didn't deter from her Mary-Sue vibe.
However, I enjoyed the romance. It was nicely done, and they were very sweet together. They worked well - when their insecurities weren't leading the way - and they were very good to one another... despite how quick everything went down.
While I did enjoy the book, it also disappointed me - hence this review containing a lot more of my complaints than my compliments. I had expected so much more of such a widely loved book. I don't know if I'll pick up the next book in the series. Probably only if its on sale, which is a horrible thing to say, but this just didn't capture me or anything, and the only thing I'm likely to remember about the read is the word: disappointing.