Romance Schmomance
Juliette Cross was a new to me author this year and I absolutely fell in love with Darkest Heart, which jump-started me to look into her other books. Plus a couple of bookish friends recommended her other series to me. The Vale of Stars series got a bit of a reboot, with some new scenes, editing and beautiful new covers. Dragon Heartstrings was truly a great introduction into the Morgon-Human world.
Little did I know as I was reading this, there was a series before this where quite a few characters were mentioned. I'll admit that I kind of wish I knew that beforehand, so I could have started from the very beginning. But thankfully, Cross did a great job introducing the characters and making them well-known enough that you weren't confused by who is whom. And it leaves that bit of intrigue to read the previous series to learn about these characters.
This wasn't Demetrius and Shakara's first appearance in Cross's books, they're in the Nightwing series, which is up next for me to read. From what I gathered, he didn't have the best stance on Morgons and there's a lot of regrets since his father was a strong influence in the way he perceives them. But when it comes to love, the heart can easily change.
I love, LOVE Demetrius and Shakara together. They complemented each other so well, essentially each other's half. Demetrius is dedicated to his job and has a strict routine with it. His sister, Jessen, is constantly on him about living in the moment for once. But his presence is something that anyone could easily notice if you're in the same room. And Shakara was completely enthralled with him.
It was so great to watch these two learn about each other and for Demetrius to gain a new appreciation for the Morgon kind. I was so fascinated with this world and the real-life issues they faced, and these two team up to tackle the wrong that is a weapon that is meant to kill Morgon kind. Which helped ignite the intense chemistry between the both of them. And I loved every moment of it!
The world-building is great and sets the scene enough to learn more in the books to come. Demetrius and Shakara definitely go down as favorites in the fantasy world. Such an amazing read and I can't wait to jump into the next book in this series.