Written on May 20, 2016
This story has a slow start, but as things progress, you get to learn more about Joan and the kind of person she is. The reader soon sees that Joan is truly at heart very kind and caring and wanting to help the oppressed. She is courageous and fights for her beliefs, even with her own life at stake. Though there is some romance in the story, this book's strong points revolve around the adventure and mystery as she becomes wrapped up in the intrigue of secretly fighting for her people,The Welsh, and her beloved Catholic church. I felt on edge a lot while reading this story hoping that Joan and the others would succeed in their quest for freedom. There is some violence as the Queen's men had a job to "take care" of the Papist Traitors who were revolting against the Queen.
There are some twists and turns in the story, especially having to do with the romance that fully blossoms near the end of the book. I can assure you that it will make you smile. This book will make readers of historical fiction and historical romance feel very fulfilled when finished. This clean read can be enjoyed by older teens and adults.