Written on Jan 13, 2018
Police detectives, wibbly wobbly timey-wimey timelines, and squirrels interfere with the investigation but soon they are hot on the case. The interactions between Atticus and Detective Gabriela Ibarra were hilarious and I almost felt sorry for the poor woman. It was such fun to see Oberon, The Humble shine.
Kevin Hearne has a ridiculous sense of humor and I loved his portrayal of Oberon, the geeky references and of course Atticus the Iron Druid. It was fun sniffing for clues and seeing our four-legged heroes save the day. Talk of sausages, gravy and of all things humping kept the tale light while offering an engaging mystery.
I once again went with the audiobook and was pleased that with my Audible membership it was actually cheaper than the eBook. Luke Daniels is brilliant and has become the voice of these characters.
The Purloined Poodle was a fast, fun mystery that anyone can enjoy, even those not familiar with the Iron Druid Chronicles.
(Voice of Oberon) I just heard him ask Atticus, “Can I help you?” in a sort of tight, muted English accent, like he had lived with severe constipation all his life and hadn’t heard about fiber.” … “This guy sounds like he hasn’t laughed since Doc Brown invented the flux capacitor.” … “Atticus, he looks like Jafar! Watch out! Don’t let him hypnotize you!” This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer