Written on Jan 21, 2017
I loved that author chose to have Annabelle teaching Shakespeare at the University of Berkley. Shakespeare is my all time favorite playwright and to see his plays being taught in such a way that the students (even if it is fictional) was awesome.
I also liked the opposites attract theme. Annabelle and Dean couldn’t have been more different and to be honest, it works. They are just different enough that it keeps them both on their toes, relationship wise. The fact that they were first colleagues, than friends and then started their relationship was great. They didn’t jump right into bed with each other and when it did, it meant something to both of them.
I really connected with Annabelle. She was so passionate about what she teaches and it rubs off on her students. I just wish that she was more assertive earlier in the book. Because, it would have gotten rid of a lot of her stress (read the book if you want to find out).
Speaking of that, and I truly don’t know this, is it normal for a committee to be so interested in an associate professor’s personal life when they are applying for tenure? Because even I lifted an eyebrow when they called Annabelle and questioned her about her kiss with Dean during the football game. Seemed a bit intrusive (and a lawsuit waiting to happen) to me.
Dean just melted my heart. He was such a nice guy and how hard he fell for Annabelle just melted my heart.
The secondary storyline of the tenure committee really ticked me off and I did a lot of eyerolls during Annabelle’s meetings with them. The other storyline of Trey was actually sad. But, I loved seeing him come out of his shell on field and off. The talk that Dean had with Trey was perfect.
The end of the book was perfect. It was definitely a HEA!!!
How many stars will I give Playbook: 4
Why: I really enjoyed reading this book. It was a great read and it was something that I needed after reading a couple of eroticas.
Will I reread: Yes
Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes
Age range: Adult
Why: Sex, some language
**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**